Sunday, January 13, 2008

40 Forces of Nature

We haven't really been able to post anything since December due to illness, lack of usable sound bites from the holidays, and extreme busy-ness. So here are a whole bunch of sound bites to keep you occupied. -Maria

...and that means tomorrow, and the next day, and forever!

Ensemble Chair: You will need to wear a dark-colored tie.
Baritone: Like black?

Boy: I disagree with you about that being hot.
Girl: So what do you think is hot, Shakespeare?
(Note: I believe the girl was addressing the guy as "Shakespeare" rather than suggesting he thought Shakespeare was hot.)

Excitable senior girl: Ask her if we can ask people in their twenties to go. 'Cause I can get a whole bunch of people in their twenties!

Girl, shouting: I hate it when guys wear pink! I hate it!

He's so funny, yo. He's just stupid.

Annoyed teen girl: Stop looking at me and smiling like you're my husband!

Mrs. ___ looks like a chicken wing... then I think of chicken patties and I get hungry!

Same kid, in math class: Chuck Norris doesn't do math, math does Chuck Norris! I made that right now; I thought it was pretty funny.

What, a vacuum? What the [ffff noise]?

Guy 1: Just give me thirty minutes after school. I have to shave.
Guy 2: It takes you thirty minutes to shave?
Guy 1: No, I have to shower, too.

Girl: I'll help you clean your room if you give me a pair of gloves.
Friend: [laughs]
Girl: No, I'm serious.

[Obviously freezing guys getting on the bus]
1: So, it's pretty warm out today.
2: Toasty warm.

Girl: ...go to the stables and ride many horses.

Teacher: Chocolate rules. There's nothing better than chocolate.
Student: Yes, there is: vanilla.
Teacher: No. No way.

I had to throw 'im off to get your number! ... He had to make money. Money come first. [sic]

Girl: I kinda set my house on fire this morning.

[Talking about "Jane"]
Girl: Do you like her mom?
Boy: I love her mom! I love her mom more than I love Jane.

I know she envies me... but she doesn't have to look at me all the time like, do I have something on my face?

Guy I: My mind and my body started shutting down because it was tiring! I had to run around the track four times!
Guy II: Was it bigger than [school name]'s track?
Guy I: No, it wasn't bigger. It was shorter, but it was longer. It wasn't bigger.


Anonymous said...

Hey! It's Bela! I LOVE what you're doing with this! It's SO creative! Sign me up!!! I'd love to do this!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I don't know why this whole "comments" thing isn't showing anything, you might want to fix that. Ok, bye.

Maria said...

Bela- it's fine now. Maybe you didn't refresh the page or something.

I'm so happy you came to look at the blog!

Anonymous said...

Luv your blog Maria - especially the little/big track. Thanks for visiting Jazz Cow!!